Choosing Transformers manufacturers in Faridabad

Posted: December 9, 2013 in Transformer Manufacturers
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A lot of people confuse transformers with generators. While the former is used to fluctuate between current and voltage (and also control the voltage fluctuation), the latter is used for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy by using the principle of electromagnetic induction (and magnetic coils). Transformers are pretty essential for every household as well as factory to prevent your devices from malfunctioning. Any voltage fluctuation that takes place can result in your electrical devices and machines suffering from short-circuit, a phenomenon that can destroy your machines and electrical equipments.

While choosing a small auto transformer can be relatively easy, since you just have to look at the kVA rating, you might have to evaluate in detail when it comes to choosing transformers for factories and mills. You have to judge the usability of a transformer on two basic facets – firstly, the amount of load it can handle and secondly, its application. If you are not a technical guy, you can contact Transformers Manufacturers in Faridabad and summon an engineer/technician for inspection to your factory. The technician can check the power consumed by your machines before suggesting you a transformer that can work well in your factory.
Following are the two main considerations while choosing a transformer:
  • Ability to handle load: It is considered a rule of thumb to choose a transformer in such a manner that the load it is designated to handle is not more than 90% of its capacity. For example, if you have to handle a load of 900kVA, it is preferable to get a 1000kVA transformer installed. This way, it can succinctly work even when there’s an overloading.
  • Application: Different industries need a transformer for different purposes. While some want a constant supply of voltage, there are others that might require a transformer that can handle frequent overloading.
Also, one should take care of Distribution Transformer Faridabad . They help a lot in handling load.

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